
Is this for real?/

Ever had one of those days where you think about your life, and all the expectations you had and wonder, "Did I ever imagine that this would be my life?". I think that everyday.

Flash back to a year ago: Im living in Vermont, with my mom with all these big plans to move to Chicago. I didn't really know what that meant though. I was going to move, and live there. I would find an apartment and a job and everything would just happen. I didn't want to make plans. I figured plans can go wrong, and then your really fucked.

Jump ahead to January 3, 2007. Im at the Greyhound station in Chicago, completely weighed down with bags (my life) with an address in my hand. The hostel downtown where I had a bed booked for the first 4 nights. Suddenly I was home, and didn't have a place to sleep after those days, and life was suddenly way to real.

OK, back to now. Its November 13th, 2007 and I'm sitting in the corner of my art studio. Its my second living space in Chicago, and the closest to living alone I've ever been. The studio upstairs I share with a painter and an actor. I have my computer where I do graphic design work, and sometimes other random art projects. The basement is mine. I have a walled off area with a private bathroom and kitchenette that has become home. Sometimes I don't believe that I actually live here. Its the kind of space I'd always wanted, but never thought would happen.

My life isn't perfect, but im making it. I still have to work full time to pay the bills, and I have a lot of debt to pay off, but its ok. Somehow everything works out, even when I have to eat for a week on $10. I guess thats my life now. Working a shitty job, hanging out in the studio, eating what I can afford instead of what I want, and Partying. Partying past the last band, till the weed and PBR runs out, and then passing out till it's time to do it all again.

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